This is not a novel to be tossed aside lightly.
It should be thrown with great force.—Dorothy Parker
Hello and welcome to a my first attempt at a blog! I don't expect many people to read it, I don't expect many people to like it, but today I thought "Why not?" and decided to give it a go. So, you're probably wondering just what the hell the point of this is. Well, at the moment I expect it to be a rather cynical look at some of planet earth's worst examples of media. This can be movies, TV shows, comics but it will probably be mainly centered around books. And yes, I am aware that there are quite a few great cynical reviewers out there in that great cesspool we call the internet, but I don't think many really give literature it proper due. All I'm saying is: books can be really crappy too!
Why the title? Well, TV Tropes describes a Wallbanger as:
The writer asked for too much Willing Suspension Of Disbelief. A character is carrying an Idiot Ball, or has suddenly become Too Dumb To Live. The series pulled out Green Rocks or Voodoo Sharks once too often, used a little too much Scotch Tape, blatantly Did Not Do The Research, or unleashed a Ret Con that made everyone's eyes roll out of their head. Sometimes it is a force too powerful to be contained, even by willing suspension of disbelief or the Mantra. However it happened, the audience has been dealt a Wall Banger.
So essentially a wallbanger is a book, movie or TV show that annoys you to the point where you just have to make a very fashionable dent in your wall with it. Believe me, they're more common than you think. And I'm here to bring them to your attention.
So, after giving the subject for my first review quite a bit of thought and since I'm feeling in a rather masochistic mood today, I've decided to start things off with a movie... a horror movie to be precise, and not only that, it's one of the sequels to two of my favourite horror films of all time. So grab your demon summoning music boxes and bloodstained chains as we tackle Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth.

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